What is VEEM?
VEEM means "Vitrtual Education Exhibition of Malaysia".
The concept of a virtual (online) exhibition is no longer a new / surprising concept. In many areas of the world, the world class universities are turning to this unique promotional idea which is causing them huge savings in terms of time and money, and yet getting a large number of student queries.
In Pakistan also, this idea is being frequently used by British Council to promote British universities in Pakistan. However, for Malaysian universities it is a revolutionary concept and we (Golden Breed) are the pioneer in this idea.
A virtual (online) education exhibition is (as the name shows) is an online exhibition, hosted on an education-related website by its organizer and it is promoted in a very normal way of promoting any other physical exhibition. We are going to host it on the website dedicated for Malaysian Studies i.e. www.MalaysianStudy.com.
Such online edu. exhibition is the most convenient for the visitor who can get all the information of all the universities & colleges participating in the exhibition, from their home of from the places of work, by using a PC, Lapotop or even an Ipad. They get all the required basic information about those education institutions, their offered courses, the admission process and the country itself, in one place.
In such obline exhibition the participating universities & colleges have their own stalls in the exhibition in a normal way, however they are virtual and not physical.

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