Malaysia is full of career opportunities. Skilled foreigners will be finding themselves in high demand as Malaysia gets wise to the benefits that can be reaped by encouraging those with talent to settle in the country and share their skills with the people and companies of Malaysia.
This should come as little surprise to people who know their business sense: human capital is one of the largest assets any country can enjoy. Indeed, in a special World Bank issue of the Malaysia Economic Monitor (April 2011), the writer emphasized the fact that human capital is the bedrock of a high-income nation, whether it be local or foreign, and the Malaysian government, as part of the Government Transformation Programme (GTP), is keen to do all it can to encourage talented people to make Malaysia their home and help the country along the path to becoming a high-income nation by 2020.
The ambitious GTP contains within it the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP), which details the various measures by which the country will transform its economic situation to enable it to compete with the best in the world. To tackle the weighty task of increasing the talent pool of the country, TalentCorp was established under the Prime Minister’s department in January 2011 and the organisation has, since then, been working to facilitate initiatives to ease the process of talent acquisition.
TalentCorp achieves its aim via three thrusts: optimizing Malaysian talent, attracting global talent, and strengthening networking opportunities to bring top talent together for the betterment of the country. Various initiatives have been implemented during the two years that TalentCorp has been up and running, many of which have made moving and working to Malaysia far easier for foreigners with skills to share, looking for a career and life change. The Residence Pass-Talent – launched in April 2011 – was one such milestone introduction, and this long-stay work visa had already seen huge uptake, especially among senior expat employees who seek the opportunity to live and work in Malaysia for up to ten years at a time without needing to be tied to one employer or position.
While attracting professionals from outside Malaysia is one key aspect of its international considerations, TalentCorp is also targeting the many foreign students who spend their years of study in the country and would be willing to remain in Malaysia once qualified to lend their talents to the local economy.
There are already vast numbers of foreigners streaming to Malaysia to undertake professional qualifications or tertiary and post-tertiary education at the many universities spread throughout the country, and many of these youngsters are eligible to stay in the country to work. Not only are students welcome in Malaysia, their skills and their potential is applauded by the government, and their potential contribution is valued more highly than many may realize.
TalentCorp is keen to facilitate the process of transferring from student to worker, and any foreign student who senses Malaysia may hold opportunities for them would do well to seek out TalentCorp and find out just how easy the future could be.
Malaysia is truly opening its arms to those with skills and talent to share, regardless of their nationality, and this is a superb opportunity for the young and old to enjoy life in a blossoming country and do their bit to help Malaysia achieve its 2020 ambitions.
Apart from this opportunity, Malaysia is a country full of opportunities. There are great opportunities for those international students who have successfully graduated from Malaysia. Once you complete your studies, you do not need to apply for the work permit by yourself. At this stage, your prospective employer will apply on your behalf. You just need to wait for the "landing order" from the Immigration Department of Malaysia which will be forwarded to you by your employer.
Career Opportunities in Malaysia