An idea of the average living cost of an international student.
Aside from affordable tuition fees, another great reason to study in Malaysia is the relatively low cost of living. Kuala Lumpur has been ranked one of the least expensive cities in the world to live in. Whether you choose to live on or off campus, you will find that it is quite possible to live very comfortably within a budget of USD5,000 per year.
To give you an indication, here’s a breakdown of living costs for students in Malaysia:
Your average monthly rental for a single room on a twin-sharing basis could be between USD100 and USD150, depending on the area, the type of accommodation and the facilities available.
You can have an immensely satisfying meal at a shop for just USD1.50, while three square meals can be enjoyed for under USD5 per day. So, if you’re prudent, your food bill for a month can be contained within USD150.
The cost of washing and ironing your clothes can be from as low as USD20 per month if you lead a normal student lifestyle.
Telecommunication/Mobile Phone Bills and Utilities
Your costs in this area would depend on your usage charges and could be anything from USD10 onwards.
Public Transport
Students who stay on or near campus may not incur any travel costs going to and from classes. However, other travel costs could come up to USD15 per month
Medical Insurance
Be prepared to allocate an average of at least USD15 per month to cover medical and hospitalisation insurance as well as for outpatient treatment at a private clinic in case you are taken ill.
Personal Expenses
This would very much depend on your personal lifestyle. Your cost for toiletries, grooming, clothes and other necessities can start from as low as USD35 per month. Add another USD 20 for the occasional movie or social outing, and you can lead a decent student lifestyle.
Adding all of the above up, you have a figure of USD410 per month, or just short of USD5,000 per year in living expenses if you are prudent.
So lest embark on an exciting student experience in Malaysia.