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Exhibition Gate

Let us guide you how to move and navigate through different pages of VEEM (Virtual Education Exhibition of Malaysia

From the main (home) page of this websit you can enter the exhibition (VEEM) through; (a) VEEM logo, as on the top of this page, (b), navigation button on the top, (c) "Enter" image, (d) "online exhibition pointer images" or through the site-map at the bottom of each page!


          How to navigate through VEEM          

Step 1:


Step 2:


This will take you to the main entery gate of this online exhibition, as seen below. Clicking on the "Exhbition Gate" will take you to the list of universities & colleges participating in this exhibition. Before proceeding you shoud register with us which is 100% FREE. For registration, please click the logo, as on the right side of this page!

Step 3:


Once you have entered the exhibition gate, this will take you to the list of universties or the colleges, participating in this exhibition. You can see a very brief introduction of each university/college here. Click on the button on the rightside of each of the box to go to the univeristy/college stall! You can also go to Quick Exhib. Link which is a quicker way to select a university or college participating in the exhibition.

Step 4:


Each universty or the college has 5 pages (Introduction, Gallery, Courses & Fees, Admissions, Contact). You can navigate through these pages either through the university menu buttons or through the navigation links at the bottom of each page! 

Step 5:


Step 6:


NO matter where you are on the website you can always come to the main exhibition entry gate by clicking on ; (a) VEEM logo, (b), navigation button on the top of this website, or through the site-map at the bottom of each page. For help, you can call; 03355118196. You can  come back to this page by click on this logo >>                                   >>

During your visit to our webite you can apply online for admission to an universty or the college participating in VEEM by pressing the "Admission" button. on the top menu or bottom links.

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